Tuesday, September 23, 2014

GROUP/ TASK 3 : Due on 9/25 by Midnight

Headscarf Ban: Post your responses as a comment


  1. First Thesis- Does a secular government mean there is religious freedom? Just because in a secular state government isn't involved, doesn't mean that there could be anything else stopping religion from being expressed freely.
    Concrete Examples- 1) Modern times prevent people from practicing their religion. As countries and people begin to modernize to be like others out in the world, they forget to pertain to what has always been there, religion.
    2)A religion that holds a large population of people in a specific country can stop other people from practicing whatever religion they are from because they believe that their religion is superior compared to others.
    3)Tragedies that ruin the image of a certain religion. For example, 9/11 ruined the image for the Islamic religion.
    4)Even if there are no tragedies that involve your religion, there is still racism and an unbelievable amount of stereotypes out there. People can use that against you, make you feel bad for having a belief in that religion, and stop you from freely expressing your religion.
    5)Countries that aren't religious tolerant can pass laws that can stop you from being who you are based on your religion.

  2. Our group has decided to take the Secularism perspective when it comes to public education and religion. We believe that public education and religion should be seperated for various reasons. In 1905, France passed a law seperating church and state. Our group believes that this separation is vital for a successful and fair society. To explain: the government can not dictate the religions of a country, people within a securalist society have the choice to practice the religion of their choice without punishment, there is no religous discrimination such as "Christians being banned from a restaurant," schools can not force or manipulate students to follow a certain religion, and lastly, the government can not make you follow morals of a certain religion. We believe that there are two lessons that one can learn from a society based upon secularism. One, the law is generalized so everyone can participate in society equally, and two, secularism establishes a state of unity so a coperartive society is created regardless of one's personal views. Secularism attracts a variety of diverse people from different cultures which develops a better society for all.
    Tyler Piciullo, Nick Casazza, Ricky Calia, Matt Morich

  3. Second Thesis- People should have a choice to free religion because choice to free religion is part of a person's identity.
    Concrete Examples- 1)Muslim women wear headscarf's to cover up is because they want to show their modesty and to be seen as respectful people. Not giving them the religious freedom to practice this value would be taking away who they are as an individual and as a group.
    2)Denying someone a job because of their name because they have no religious freedom is a way of neglecting who they are which can have a impact on them.
    3)Jewish men wear the Kippah as a way of showing that God is watching over them and their every act. If Jews weren't given any freedom, it would mean that it degrades them for what they stand for.
    4)Sikhs that follow the Indian religion Sikhism wear a turban as a sign of respect to God since they believe that God is everywhere. If there were a ban on their religion to be practiced they would lose respect to who they are as an individual, as part of a society, but most importantly, to who they are to God.
    5)Some think that because Saudi Arabia is dominated by the Muslim population and because the it is the holy land to the Muslim's, you can't practice a different religion there. If that is true then the same religion that is being denied in other countries is denying another religion in their own country. Nobody would be being fair or tolerable. No one would have any justice. It would just be a broken down world filled with ignorant hypocrites.

  4. Alexander Riley
    Secular Government vs. Religious Freedom

    Thesis One:
    A secular government does not mean that there is freedom of religion. The meaning of a secular government is that the government has no role in religion and because of that, it doesn’t mean government has to be the only thing restricting religion. For example, what if a country had a religion that was constricting other faiths because of that strong religious power. Because the majority of that country believes in a major religion it can cause friction and conflict within that country. This issue can put pressure within the country with people who have other beliefs.
    If this conflict happens when small religions fight with the big religion, the government can’t do anything about it because it’s a secular government. The government is not the only force that can interfere with religion. It does not always have a direct correlation with religious freedom. An example of this would be in Malmo, Sweden. The government in Sweden is secular. However, there is a large population of Muslim people. There is a 33 percent Islamist population where Jews are being persecuted and threatened.
