Monday, October 5, 2020



 Do not forget to watch the " Facing History and Ourselves" Video about Immigration

Be sure to PRINT and READ the Gjeltan article...


TAsk " RE-WRITE A  THESIS based on reading Mukherjee's article , the video and the Gjeltan article !!!

Post it here !!




  1. post YOUR THESIS HERE!!!

  2. Being an American doesn't mean you have to marry one to be accepted in the country. You can marry whoever you want and achieve anything as long as you play by the rules and work for whatever it may be that you want. Discrimination against minorities wasn’t always acknowledged, especially for 19th century immigrants until immigration became a more popular in America. Not only can immigrants offer new suggestions that might not have been thought of in new scenarios, but they also offer new aspects of life, whether it be culturally, religiously, or even work ethics.

    My definition of transformation- Transformation can be the change in someone's mental thought process or their physical appearance for better or for worse

  3. Louis Capriotti

    Being an American doesn't mean you have to marry one to be accepted in the country. You can marry whoever you want and achieve anything as long as you play by the rules and work for whatever it may be that you want. Discrimination against minorities wasnt always acknlowedged espically for 19th century immigrants until immigration became a more popular in America. Not only can immigrants offer new suggestions that might not have been thought of in new scenarios,but they also offer new aspects of life, whether it be culturally, religiously, or even work ethics.

    My definition of transformation- Transformation can be the change in someone's mental thought process or their physical appearance for better or for worse

  4. Nick Cardone

    Leaving one's country to face a new one can be a difficult and grueling process. Reading about these sisters revealed the struggles and successes of being an immigrant from living India to America. Many immigrants that come from a different country should respect some of the laws created in America even as troublesome they may be.
    Transformation: this is to go through a change in either appearance, lifestyle or personality.

  5. Melissa Carroll
    For centuries America has been considered a "melting pot" of cultures, a land open to people from around the world to start a new life. However many immigrants are faced with difficult decisions about their identity and finding their place in this new world. They are forced to decide whether changing or transforming in order to assimilate to American culture is worth losing a sense of association with their old world. One can also ask how does one fully assimilate to a culture that is constantly changing.
    Definition of transformation- change, stepping out of your comfort zone into unfamiliar territory in the hopes of growing and/or learning something new about yourself or your surroundings.

  6. Sherell Henry

    Two sisters with worlds that once collided, slowly drifted apart as their perspectives began to change on the journey to somewhere new. They were no longer identical, had the same ordeals or shared the same views on their culture. As one assimilated into the American dream, the other treasured the remnants of an Asian culture.

    1. My definition on transform is to change into something new. Defining self transformation - to ignite a spark within your self that triggers a change. This change should be for the better.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. When immigrating to a new country one must focus solely on their safety and self preservation. The decision one makes in this time reflects the outcome of their "American Dream. When moving to a foreign land your are leaving behind all you have known and loved in hopes of a new life hopefully matching your expectations. The diversity of American is unique to our nation as we openly accept all races and cultures into our daily lives. This creates a culture shock for new immigrants as this is a foreign concept to them. How immigrants decide to assimilate and embrace the new American cultures reflects their outcome as a future American and the sacrifice of your antecedent culture is inevitable for complete assimilation. Regardless of how hard one tries to cling on to past ideologies.

    1. to transform means to grow as a person due to changes within yourself or in the environment around which can lead you to a new self identity, perspective, or lifestyle.

  9. Anthony Prelesnick

    Assimilation seems to be the main the overbearing word for any immigrant coming to a new country, Especially America. Assimilation in a way is the push to forget your old ways of life and embrace a new. The push to transform in a way, even if you do not necessarily want it. With this pressure to transform and change does not necessarily mean leave the old behind. It can mean taking your old traditions and embracing them in a new life. Daring for any immigrant in a new country, but this type of bravery to spread your beliefs and actively express them when all others don't feel the same shows a true drive to preserve oneself and with that strength comes the transformation of others around you to accept what you believe.

  10. Two sisters that were “identical” in style, political views, and culture slowly started drifting apart in their similarities after immigration. Mira clings on to her Indian citizenship in hopes of returning after she retires. On the other hand, Bharati has been traveling North America with her husband. Although Mira and Bharati aren’t together they still maintain communications through phone calls. Ultimately, this shows you just need to follow your dreams and let life take you on your path.

  11. Bossuet Jules


    Emigration to America is one of the most difficult changes that an immigrant has to go through. One must leave their beloved country, in search for a better life due to government failure, poverty, or in some cases, total anarchy. In “Two Ways to Belong in America”, the story of two sisters is used to describe how the life of an immigrant is lived in the world of America where citizenship is used to prove your worth in the American system, as well as how people in America will treat you based on your citizenship status. Their story also describes the cultural differences of India and America in terms of lifestyle, and especially marriage. These cultural differences make American living challenging to many, and adjustment will be the greatest challenge; to stay true to their roots and culture, or to adapt to the carefree environment of America.

    1. to transform means to change aspects about yourself that defines your own improvement. Whether it is good or bad is subjective to the outside world. It is within the self to determine improvement and transformation.

  12. Victoria Bueso
    English 101
    Professor Brady

    America is a diverse country filled with people that come from different parts of the world. “Two ways to belong in America”, is an article that tells the story of two immigrant sisters and their experiences with assimilating with the American culture. The article develops the idea that it is very hard to accept new culture and integrate new culture into your own, but that it is extremely necessary when it comes to fitting in and being accepted into a society.

  13. Moving from one country to another can be a struggle of changes in values and adaptability. In the article Two Ways to Belong in America two sister that were almost identical moved to America changed so much in culture and identity. One sister set out of her cultural barrier and marry outside of the family and the two sisters started to differentiate more and more in personalities. In the in of the end it hard to keep you ideals in a new atmosphere.

  14. Samantha Kanganis

    Assimilation and acculturation are two options presented to immigrants when coming to America. We see it everyday how immigrants desert their culture to “fit in” with the American way of life, but the question at bay is what does that way of life actually mean. America has always been known for its melting pot association, yet immigrants still come here and believe they need to change their roots to blend in better. We see it in the article “Two Ways to Belong to America”, how two sisters take different paths to gain a common goal. One assimilates and the other acculturates, yet the society and everyday life for one sister comes forward much easier. Immigrants face constant pressure and coercion too assimilate to the American culture, but that does not have to mean totally disregarding their original customs. No matter what an immigrant chooses to do, whether it’s assimilate or acculturate, not everyone is going to approve.

    To transform means to learn and grow within ones self while factoring in everything that individual has been through. When transforming it means to go forward in life, learn new things and appreciate more. Take your surroundings and grow from them, use them to your advantage and become something bigger than anyone could imagine.

  15. There is no definition as to what it means to be a true American. Being American doesn't come with a set of rules. Immigrants come to this country for many reasons, each making their own sacrifices. Some choose to keep their culture and traditions while others adapt to popular American traditions. Yet none of that should effect the rights and basic human principles given to each citizen.

  16. To transform means to change and grow into a better or worse version of ones self.

  17. Aaron Nunez
    Thesis statement
    English 101

    For thousands of years, culture has been the expression of what we believe in. There are many different types of cultures and practices that help people understand who they are. In the article “Two Ways to Belong in America”, Mukherjee talks about how her and her sister live two different lives even though they came from the same cultural background.

  18. Christian Montano

    Mira and Baharati both immigrated to America and despite being similar sisters, they chose two different ways to approach assimilation. Baharati created a new identity that rooted into the American Society, she self-transformed her previous identity. On the other-hand, Mira kept her previous Indian identity and roots and simply became an expatriate in a foreign country. They were both cut from the same cloth, but they chose two different paths and ultimately became less unified.

    Transformation- The willingness to change oneself to adapt, grow, or fit into something new. Transformation is to be able Overcome challenges and trauma to become something new

  19. Rory Japal
    English 101
    Immigration is the act of a person who is moving to a country permanently. Immigrants come to a country due to many varying reasons. Some come for better education, better or more jobs, to get away from the quality of life in their country, or all of these reasons. Immigrants feel a different sense of obligation based on how they view their home country and the country they reside in.
    Transform-to change an aspect of oneself with a positive intent in mind to the person.

  20. Matthew Smith
    EGL 101

    You don't have to be born in America to be american you just have to be open to change.This can be seen in Two Ways to Belong in America,where two sisters that used to be identical in every way diverge in paths and views on not only immigration but on the country they immigrated to. However there's a sense of betrayal that is shared by all immigrants who are exposed to the Prejudice of the local populus.This prejudice can make or break some peoples opinion on a country or place making it impossible for them to truly ever feel a part of it.

    Google definition of Transformation-a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance
    My definition-A transformation is when someone or something becomes something they were not before.

  21. Lindsey Poonai
    Professor Brady
    English 101

    Thesis: Moving to a new country can produce challenges for immigrants because they need to learn how to conform to a new country and adhere to new principles. In “Two Ways to Belong in America” by Bharati Mukherjee, “Immigration in Today’s World” by Facing History and Ourselves, and “Should Immigration Require Assimilation?” by Tom Gjeltan we learn that immigrants assimilating to a new country experience difficulties and pressures that involve altering themselves in order to adopt to a new society.

    Define Transformation: My definition of transformation means the act of changing. A personal transformation can involve the change of mentality or physical appearance. This can lead to either positive or negative outcomes.

  22. Anjalie Kalika
    Professor J.Brady

    Being American means you decide how you want to express yourself. You control your life, tradition, culture, beliefs, and many more. America is a melting pot where cultures and traditions merge. Throughout this many immigrants many find themselves dropping their culture to being accustom to other things, while some stay true to their culture and will always hold that dear in their heart. When leaving your home country you are leaving a part of yourself and sacrifice a lot. Just like how we saw in "Two Ways to Belong in America", two sisters who were almost alike in every aspect came to America for an education. But soon after as they grew up their beliefs and opinions grew apart. They took their experiences from America and decide how they wanted to live their life. However immigrants decide to find a sense of belong in America is completely up to them. They are what keeps America evolving with culture and ideas.

    Transformation means when an individual decides to change something about themselves and grows from their choices. They may do this because of self reflection, their surrounds, peer pressure, experiences, and much more eye opening events.

  23. The United States of America has been viewed as a symbol of freedom over the past 100 years. However, we've developed a bias perspective in which we think all immigrants want to come here and drop all ties to their country. Immigrating to America doesn't require you to become a citizen and disregard your cultural ties to home.

  24. Thesis: The issues that immigrants faced in America in order to become a citizen is difficult for some to adapt to. Immigrants have the choice to have a part of their cultural background still with them or to let that embracement go in order to feel more Americanized. It is mentally and socially terrifying to enter a new world. It’s difficult to adapt to a country where you aren’t accustomed to.

    Transformation: It’s the change of oneself(mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, spiritually), in order to discover who you are as a person.

  25. Zoha Ahmed

    Thesis: Immigrants have been traveling to America for a better life for as long as one can remember. Adapting to a "new country" life can be difficult, especially when one already has such deep connections to their cultures and traditions. As time goes on one learns to continue to value their own routes while getting familiar with new customs.

  26. Leslie Biancaniello
    Professor Brady
    During the 20th century, countless numbers of immigrants migrated to The United States in hopes for a better life and opportunities. Having the chance to start a new life, many immigrants struggled to hold onto their old one. In “Two Ways to Belong to America” written by Bharati Mukherjee, two immigrant sisters share opposing views on what moving to America really means. Although migrating to a new country meant new beginnings, these sisters shared different beliefs on the adjustment to American culture and finding their sense of belonging in this new environment.

    To transform means that a person or yourself has changed completely. This could be a dramatic change in a person’s appearance and form and can be viewed as a positive or negative decision to others.

  27. Sean Hilbert
    Professor Brady
    English 101
    October 7th 2020
    People On The Move
    People move around, that's one of the most basic human forces. People used to be completely migratory when we were hunters and gatherers. Humans will easily pick up all their belongings and move somewhere better to live and grow a family. This is still seen today in our modern immigration system. People are quick to move from state to state or country in search of a better life. When a person moves to a new place they are signing an unspoken contract that says that they will be changing their way of life. The change might be small like moving from the city to the suburbs or the change can be from one country to another. The larger the scale of immigration the more assimilation is required of a person. Assimilation can either be extremely difficult or very easy depending on the person. This is seen through a story of two sisters in Bharati Mukherjee’s Two Ways to Belong in America.

  28. Aidan Aziz
    Professor Brady
    EGL 101
    October 6th 2020

    People move to different countries in hopes for a better life, but when migrating to a new country there are many challenges that you have to face. An example of this can be seen in the story "Two ways to belong in America" where two sisters who have different viewpoints and values lose their similar view from being exposed to the culture of a new country. This goes to show that when migrating to a new country you have to make sacrifices and sometimes sacrifices are required for a better lifestyle.

    Transformation - Change in someone or something either mentally or physically

  29. Areej Ali

    Immigration is an essential part of the United States. People from all over the world move to the United States to start a new life. In this process many assimilate with the American culture while others tend to follow their own traditions. It is a choice of whether you want to fit in or express your sense of self.

  30. Areej makes sure it is there !

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