Friday, October 3, 2014

Social Identity and Education - " Time For School" PBS Documentary -DUE on 10/7

In your NOTEBOOK 2 Paragraphs

Define social identity as it relates to your life. What does it mean to have an external/social understanding of yourself? 

What does it mean to become educated? Has education or going to school ever become a dominant influence in your life? If so how? If not, why do you suppose it has never become a part of your identity? Do you believe that education/knowledge can dictate how a person perceives themselves/ others? 

Identity – How do I see myself? How do others see me?

Words that come to mind????  Create a T-Chart  Provide at least 5 words for each.

 Social Class            And                     Education 



We will share your paragraphs in CLASS and Follow UP With a WRITING WORKSHOP. YOU Must bring your notes based on watching the documentary in order to participate in the workshop. This will be a two day workshop.

Video - " Time For School" a Wide Angle Documentary exposing the concepts of education and how it relates to  social identity from a wide variety of perspectives.

As you watch - Jot down as many significant points as you possible. These significant points should somehow relate to social identity and education. Focus on each perspective as it is portrayed by the documentary. What is the main issue from Shugufa's point of view and her social realm?  Jefferson's circumstance from his perspective and his social realm? Neeraj from her perspective and her realm?  TAke as many notes as you can.. if you have questions while you are watching , write them down! 

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

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