Tuesday, September 23, 2014

GROUP/ TASK 5 : Due on 9/25 by Midnight

Headscarf Ban - Group should respond as comments

1 comment:

  1. I wrote it in paragraph format. (Concrete Examples are in the paragraph)
    Thesis One
    Religion is a way people express their identity. It is how people see you and how you see yourself. But what if the government told you otherwise. In France the Islam culture is growing a big population in Western Europe. In the public education, 1200 girls wear the head scarf to school. In France, it is a secular state where the government and religion are separated. In the public school, the secular state focus on Freedom, Equality and Fertility. The government want to ban head scarfs in the public school. The government think that the veil is a problem that will rip France apart also they think that the veil is a disturbing trend. Therefore the banning of head scarfs in the educational view. Woman that wear the veil has to decide what is really important to them their religion beliefs or getting an education. For example in the first video, a girl name Manel that is Muslim and French that goes to a public school. She desire to wear the veil for almost a year. She studies the religion daily, her desire to wear the veil shows her devotion to Islam. When she heard the new law that they are banning head scarf from public school, she thought they are discriminating her religion and customs. She chose religion because her religion beliefs is important to her after her father past away. For now, the public school is now letting her and other girls wear the veil in the hallways and when they are in class they are allow to wear a bandana. The government also wants to ban all religion symbols in public schools. Muslims accessory the veil symbolizes the freedom of choice and freedom of religion also it protects the women and their faith. The woman also wore the veil because they didn’t feel that they were accepted by society.
    Thesis Two
    The Indigenous people are the people that stay with their native culture the new comers convert to the new culture and they have to balance both cultures. The third generation think they are reliving the first generation past because the secular state is giving the non-secular problems with their religions and customs. Politicians look at this situation to avoid public opinions. Teachers in public schools think it is useless because girls dress differently like wearing mini skirts, short shorts and short tank tops. Why is wearing a veil in the category if being a violation of dress code when other girls wear and inappropriate article of clothing? The veil is not the problem, the problem is when the 3rd generation have to immigrate to be free, they didn’t think there a problem with their religion and customs. Teachers supposed to teach the knowledge to students. Don’t mix politics with education. Some French people are converting to Muslim religion so they are customs to both cultures that is giving some native people a hard time and the increase of the veil wearing is increasing each month. Girls are choosing religion beliefs over educations because their religion beliefs and customs are very important to them and this how the world and themselves see their self. This is how they express their identity in France.
