Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Scholars: 9:25 T/TR Scholars ONLY!!!! Analysis of Social Categories & What Makes Us HUMAN!!!! BRAVA Julianna!



  1. Julianna Tromba and Katherine Monge

    Our beliefs on the world and the categories or groups we are placed in, effect how we view ourselves and how the world sees us. For example, if you are placed in the lower spectrum or tier of the social Hierarchy, you feel discouraged about yourself and you are seen as having less knowledge. This effects how you perceive you are in the world and the image that is pre determined for you, based on the school system and how your thoughts are altered based on your social position.

  2. Asraful and Kevin: Humans are very conceptual when it comes to judging others. What makes us humans is how we like to perceive others. There are different categories that demonstrate a social bias in society. These categories include education, financial stability, cultural background, and so on. For example, Kaufman's ideas about Hector are a prime example of stereotyping someone based on their education and where they are from. Hector, being a puertorican and where he went to school was two centralized ideas that Kaufman took into thought when he was basing his opinion on him. Similarly, when Kaufman found out that Hector became an aspiring actor, his whole mindset about his once childhood friend completely changed, resulting in immense guilt. Kaufman's story was only one example of prejudice that occurs all the type. Judging someone based off of social categories is what humans like to do when idealize their perception on each other. These types of social categories are found all over the world, which in return makes society flawed, and it is what makes us human beings.

  3. Miller and Jo
    A lot of the concepts, ideas, and representations we hold towards certain people, groups, communities, and ethnicities all stem from how we are raised, when, and where. Outside factors play a major role in our development of how we view social, economic, and political stances. It doesn't make you wrong, and doesn't make you right. But they can affect how we see certain people in a certain light, and can ultimately affect how we see ourselves in this world we live in. Kaufman's idea of being prejudice and ignorant shouldn't be so focused on the fact that he thought of those things because it is/was a stigma, but simply because he didn't open his mind to the possibility of what other proffesions Hector found interest in. The only time we humans assume something or become quick to judge only can occur when we don't open our minds and eyes to what reality truly is for most.

  4. Ryan and Willy:
    What makes us human is our weaknesses and our character. Everyone has a different perspective in every situation. In Kaufman's case, his prejudice on Hector's life and ignorance to who he is all stem from his weakness of not being able to find himself. By experiencing these weaknesses, it inevitably makes Kaufman stronger as a person and makes him want to rekindle his friendship with Hector. In the end, if someone means a lot to you, even if it takes a long time, you should try to keep them in your life.

  5. Carter and James:
    What makes us human are our beliefs and what we stand for. Throughout our lives we learn from one another and from ourselves. It is because of these experiences and lessons that we develop our character. These small variables from person to person it what makes us different and therefore human. If everyone was the same then we would not be human. From gaining new knowledge to failing miserably, it is what we want to believe and what we value from our lives that makes us special.
