Thursday, October 11, 2018

Due on 10/16- PBS Video "Time For School" Prepare for a 2 DAY writing Workshop!

Part I: 


WATCH THE Video - " Time For School" a Wide Angle Documentary exposing the concepts of education and how it relates to  EDUCATIONAL AND social identity from a wide variety of perspectives.

Take NOTES: As you watch - Jot down as many significant points as  possible. These significant points should somehow relate to social identity and education. Focus on each perspective as it is portrayed by the documentary. What is the main issue from Shugufa's point of view and her social realm?  Jefferson's circumstance from his perspective and his social realm? Neeraj from her perspective and her realm?  Joab? TAke as many notes as you can.. if you have questions while you are watching , write them down!  Think about poverty and education, opportunity and education, gender and education. Think about our social selves and how that has so much to do with our educational identity. 

After you watch the Video:  Review your notes... You will be placed in groups on Tuesday. We will have a 2 day in class workshop! Be prepared! Students will be asked to present their ideas following the workshop. 

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