Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Due on Thursday 10/30- Helen Fisher

Watch  Helen Fisher "The Brain In Love" . This link is to the left of this post on this blog.

Answer the following in your notebook (4-5 paragraphs)  To be discussed in class and will be an option for paper 3!
1. Take notes active listening.
2. Highlight 3 main points provided by Dr. Fisher
3. Give at least 1 concrete example for each point and add a quote.
4. Describe romantic love according to "The Brain In Love". How does Fisher define love?
5. What is your overall analysis?
6. Discuss Fishers metaphor for love as it is like "chocolate cake"
7. Did you know that there is a science to love? Did you ever consider that the brain and biology are significant factors in choosing love partners ?

What is your favorite part of her lecture?

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