TOTAL OF 4-5 Paragraphs! This is a PUBLISHED WRITING PIECE and will be graded as a scholarly response. I will use the rubric titled "published writing rubric". This rubric is different from the formal essay rubric but all of the rules still apply. You are expected to write and publish as a scholar and use both in-text citation, topic sentences, concrete examples and all of the conventions of the English Language. Please note- I advise you to type this in WORD and proofread it before you post it as a comment!
Your published piece should be 4 paragraphs. This includes an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion.
After you publish your work. Please comment on another students response. How do I respond to another student? Evaluate a classmates response and either agree or disagree, connect something to the outside world or choose something you can connect to or elaborate upon.
* Published Writing is worth 25% of your grade and you should treat published writing with as much respect as you would a physical paper you hand in .
PART I - Read the following Article
"Do You Speak American. What Speech Do We Like Best?"
published by PBS in 2005
As you ACTIVELY READ.... Jot down ideas in your notebook
In addition, Please watch
Habla Texas?
PART II- respond to the following question as a comment on our class blog.
BE SURE TO PROOFREAD YOUR RESPONSE for grammar and spelling before you publish it.
In addition, I suggest you type it in word FIRST then COPY AND PASTE it in the comment box.
Question - in multiple parts! Total 3-4 paragraphs BE SURE TO PROVIDE CONCRETE EXAMPLES & QUOTES in your response.
Define sociolinguistics in ONE paragraph. How does it relate to our overall understanding of ourselves? (Identity)
How can language send a social message about " who we are" and "where we come from"?
(provide at least 4 concrete examples from the reading, the video , any of the language articles and/ or class lectures.
How might sociolinguists evaluate language? Based on your knowledge thus far (the readings, articles, video and my class lectures) Why do you suppose bi - linguists use both languages and switch between them? Draw a correlation (connection) to our class theme of identity and the outside world (something you learned about or read about).
Note: YOU MUST Provide concrete examples and at least 2-3 quotes from the article (s) and at least one quote from the video in your response.
How do I quote a source???? When you quote from an article be sure to provide the authors name or the name of the article if the author is not clear and the page number in which you extracted the quote. For Example; " Another approach to language and society focuses on the situations and the uses of language as an activity in its own right" (Wolfram 1).
The period is after WOLFRAM and the parentheses because Wolfram is the one who said it.
* I decided to omit the descriptive Essay and our published writing is worth 25%.
A course designed to encourage students to critically think, research and write about various topics within the " Science of Happiness" as they relate to the self. This class will enable students to develop rhetoric in a variety of topics and perspectives within the theme of Happiness. “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." Epictetus
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Andre Pereira
ReplyDeleteSociolinguistics the study of language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, class, and job-related language, gender differences, and speaking two languages. “Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction” (Wolfram 1). The notion of sociolinguistics is easy, but it can get complex in where the languages reflect on behavior.
Language can send a social message about “who we are” and “where we came from”.
People assume if you speak Spanish, that automatically they assume that you’re from Mexico. In the video the lady said “Hasta Manana” every time she closed the show, after saying only those two Spanish words she received hate mail saying go back to Mexico, even though she was born here in the United States and English is her first language. “Language is one of the most powerful emblems of social behavior” (Wolfram 1). Sociolinguists evaluate language among large populations on a national level. “In considering language as a social institution, sociolinguists often use sociological techniques involving data from questionnaires and summary statistical data, along with information from direct observation” (Wolfram 1).
I believe that people that speak two or more languages like to switch the words from different languages because they want to express their feelings. One language isn’t good enough for them; they prefer to use two languages in one sentence.
Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, class, and occupational dialect, gender differences. Sociolinguistics also involves bilingualism. Sociolinguistics investigate questions such as how mixed-gender conversations differ from single-gender conversations, how differential power relations manifest themselves in language forms. Sociolinguistics like investigating how caregivers let children know the ways in which language should be used, or how language change occurs and spreads to communities.
ReplyDeleteLanguage could send a message about “who we are” because language could determine the people we hang out with or talk to. Language could send a message of “where we come from”. For example, in the video Michelle was saying “Hasta Manana” and people right away starting denouncing her as Mexican, which she is not. “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word.”(Wolfram 1) For example, in the article Wolfram states the relationship between language and society affects a wide range of encounters from broadly based international relations to narrowly defined interpersonal relationships. I think Wolfram means by that is people who speak the same language think it is to associate with people who are like-minded.
Sociolinguistics might evaluate language as a social role because language builds social interaction. “Throughout the world, there are many sociohistorical situations that have resulted in these specialized language situations—in the Caribbean, Africa, South America, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.” (Wolfram 1) In other words, history played a role in who cultures speak to. I think bi-linguistics use both languages and switch between both because they try to fit in. I think bi-linguistics like having dialect with someone who understands their native tongue. In a sense, a person’s language is their identity. Their language is a representation of who they are.
Language is not only dialect, it is the world around us. Language involves what nationality they represent and where they come from. It does not happen all the time where a person can predict someone’s nationality; pointed out in the example of the Habla Texas Michelle video. Someone could sound Italian but is not Italian and just fluent in the Italian language. What I learned from the Habla Texas Michelle video and the article is do not judge someone’s language by their looks or social interactions, but on how they present themselves to you.
Anthony Modica
ReplyDeleteSociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, class, and even gender differences. It is the study of how the language you speak and the way you say it describe who you really are and where you’re from. “If were still part of the 48 lower states I expect my news to be in English” (Habla Texas 2:37)
Today, not only in America if you go anywhere in the world and you speak a different language or pronounce things differently you’re automatically out casted or looked at differently. “Language is one of the most powerful emblems of social behavior”. (Wolfram 1). If you speak some sort of Asian language most people automatically say that, that person is Chinese or from china, when most of the time its not true. Some of these people may have been in America longer than we have. “The basic notion underlying sociolinguistics is quite simple: Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction.” (Wolfram 1). Sociolinguist may evaluate language a lot differently when they do, when they hear someone speaking a different language or having a different accent when they speak they do not thing oh they’re not from around here they think that they or their families have a rich heritage from another part of the world and have now assimilated into America. They believe that America is a melting pot and that no matter what language you speak, you’re still an American.
I believe that bi-linguist speak both languages and not only stick to one because when they are with family or friends it has a sense of nostalgia, or if they meet someone on the street that shares their language they automatically have a connection with that person and feel a little more comfortable in their surrounding knowing they are not alone and that they come from the same identity, not that they’re the same person but they have roots and they are both per say Spanish and have the same identity and beliefs and causes them to have a sense of pride. Or they may just use another language to talk behind people’s backs, who knows. But the person will also switch to speaking English at times to fit in more and better suite the crowd they are with, say if they’re at a business meeting speaking French most likely wont help you at this time but since they can speak both it makes the other people feel more comfortable and making that person easier to approach. We may, for example, describe the rules for opening and closing a conversation, how to take conversational turns, or how to tell a story or joke. (Wolfram 1)
Often times the most astonishing method of expression can be found through articulation. This is not merely due to the superficial context of words, but rather the history, values, cultures, ethics, and traditions of the speaker manifested in their minds and spoken through words. There are said to be five romance languages, but in truth language itself and level of expression and social identity correlated with it is truly where the passion lies.
ReplyDeleteLanguage may serve as a vehicle for historical unification amongst ancient societies and primordial civilizations. Wolfram states, “For example, language contact studies focus on the origin and the linguistic composition of pidgin and creole languages. These special language varieties arise when speakers from mutually unintelligible language groups need a common language for communication.” Such a declaration may lead one to believe that despite many cultural variations and traditions present amongst such civilizations a basic common language was established in order to assist in evaluating, analyzing, and garnering accurate historical information to draw comparisons and scrutinize diversities amongst different societies existing during or around the same time period.
Another key proponent in scrutinizing the effects that language may have on the assessment of an individual in regards to their cultural and social identity is the method by which one constructs, formulates, and furthermore articulates a sentence or question as well as the context by which it is fabricated and relayed. For example, Wolfram articulates that “the use of sentence alternatives such as Pass the salt, Would you mind passing the salt, or I think this food could use a little salt is not a matter of simple sentence structure; the choice involves cultural values and norms of politeness, deference, and status. One can be persuaded about such an ideology when one takes into account various facets intertwined within the method of articulation, such the upbringing and cultural/family values of the individual, the social setting of which the conversation is occurring, social discourse, the social status of the parties, the decree of formality associated with the conversation, national origin or location either of either the parties or particular location of the conversation, and many others. All of these intangible assets are subconsciously deliberated and considered involuntarily and psychoanalytically, albeit we often are ignorant to the process.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the evaluation of language, sociolinguistics must take into consideration several vital dynamics correlated with the both the individual as well as their particular language. For example, “Sociolinguists might investigate questions such as how mixed-gender conversations differ from single-gender conversations, how differential power relations manifest themselves in language forms, how caregivers let children know the ways in which language should be used, or how language change occurs and spreads to communities”. Essentially the core intention of a sociolinguist in regards to the evaluation and analysis of language may perhaps be influenced by variances in gender interactions, social and political environments, childhood upbringings, as well as social, economic, and political advances or regressions within a civilization or civilizations on a local, national, or international plane. These elements share a symbiotic relationship whereby each may influence another facet in a negative or positive light, although regardless all function harmoniously in order to produce a distinct language that is unique and individualized to a particular sect and assists in identifying and ascertaining various forms of analysis and examinations of that specific society.
On the contrary, regardless of the quantity of insight that may be congregated through sociolinguistics, a curve ball may be thrown when discussing the ideology behind practicing bi-lingual behavior. Suffice it to say that a certain sense of innate national pride or cultural pleasure and gratification are often interlaced within a language, one must ponder what sparks the fire interest in alternation between languages and furthermore the tradeoff between social and cultural identities. Perhaps a bilingual approach promotes ones proclamation of cultural acceptance and toleration or sincerity and commitment to the veneration and admiration toward the beliefs and principles of another. Some may not be as tolerant as others, such as the man in the video “Habla Texas” who criticized Michelle for including in her signoff “Hasta Mañana”, to which Michelle states that “Your news is in English, sir. My personality happens to be blended with two beautiful cultures.” This declaration dictates how the use of bi-lingual phonetics and syntax may permit one to express their cultural values individually, however the unification of both languages and in turn both culture that truly encompasses the spirit, beliefs, essence, and purity of what makes an person unique and imitable. Bi-lingual language allows one to sympathize with various cultures, philosophies, and persons and in turn offers the speaker various outlets to express their views and insights in multiple forums.
ReplyDeleteIt is one thing to speak a language, and another to translate it. It is on a completely grander stage to be able to truly comprehend, appreciate, and fully embody it as a part ones innate self. Sometimes we must ponder whether or not the language barrier does not solely exist between individuals on an interpersonal level, but rather is the barricade truly within and obstructs us from ever fully understanding ourselves.
ReplyDeleteMegan Eiseman
Sociolinguistics is the study of language in the relation to social factors that include differences of regional class, occupational dialect, gender types and knowing two languages. Sociolinguistics study also the certain cultures around the world that expand their communication grounds. “ Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction” (Wolfram 1). Also the language attitude can affect the person as well. The basic notion of sociolinguistics is simple, but it can get subtle in where language reflect on behavior.
Language can send messages about “ who we are” and “where we come from” and who we associate with”.
When you meet a new person and they have a accent, you automatic think that person first language is not English because the way they pronounce words. In the video “ Hasta Mañana” the lady has a spanish accent so people assume that she speak spanish because she has the accent and probably think she from Mexico. She is a news board caster But the way she end the show on the news, she ends with two spanish words that her grandmother always said to her,but she get hate mail saying go back where she came from which it is Mexico. She is born in the USA in Texas English was her first language. “ Language is more than just words. It’s a powerful social behavior that speaks volumes”. (Wolfram 1). Sociolinguistics research the language attitudes that is a big populations on a national level. “ Language is a social institution, sociolinguistics often use sociological techniques involving data from questionaries and summary statistical data, along with information from direct observation.” ( Wolfram 1). My opinion on bi-linguistics knowing two languages and using both of the language can help them express themselves and find their way.
I think it is so beautiful to know two languages because it show people the real you and where you come from and you proud of it. Switching the words betweens the two languages show the way people express their feeling and emotions towards situations and conversations. Walt Wolfram quote that we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect or in some instances, even the choice if a single word (Wolfram 1). You shouldn’t judge a person on how they pronounce words in different language or nationality. It not right to do that to person because everyone is different in their own way and we all the same in the inside.
ReplyDeleteNicollette Pecoraro
Professor Brady
English 101
September 10th, 2014
Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social behavior and human interaction. Language is very powerful because the way we use it can define who we are, where we are from and whom we associate with. In a situation, the choice of tone, vocabulary and grammar can determine a person in many ways.
“It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or, in some instances, even he choice of a single word. “ (Wolfram,1) Michelle from “Halba Texas Michelle” can prove this statement correct from her experience as a news reporter. Michelle is a Latino woman who worked in Austin, Texas and got in trouble from her boss when she said “see you tomorrow” in Spanish. She received a lot of hate mail from people in the city saying, “Go back to Mexico.” Many people judged Michelle for saying two words in Spanish and making assumptions that she is from Mexico. Little do these people know, is that Michelle was born and raised in Texas and so was her parents. “Similarly, the use of sentence alternatives such as Pass the salt, Would you mind passing the salt, or I think this food could use a little salt is not a matter of simple sentence structure; the choice involves cultural values and norms of politeness, deference, and status” (Wolfram, 2) This also supports the statement in the way people address other people. Depending on whom you are speaking with, the tone of your voice and the way you structure your sentence, changes. “In considering language as a social institution, sociolinguists often use sociological techniques involving data from questionnaires and summary statistical data, along with information from direct observation.” (Wolfram,1) Sociolinguists evaluate language through observing people and the answers people give them when they ask their questions. The best way to study the language of a person is to observe the people.
I believe bi-linguists use two languages to show who they are and where they are from. Most people’s first language defines their ethnicity. For example if you were born in America, you learn to speak English. On top of speaking your fluent language some people know another language too for many different reasons such as a job, moving to a different country, family, school, etc. You may speak English to your family because that is how you were raised, but you may speak Spanish at work, or to your new husband/wife’s family or to your Spanish schoolteacher. There are many different situations where you may need to switch back in forth in speaking different languages. My grandmother can be an example to this theme in two different ways. My grandmother was born in the U.S. but was shipped to Greece when she was four years old and lived there until she was sixteen years old. When she came back to America she was judged by the kids in her school because she spoke Greek and English. Some people would call her an immigrant because of her ascent. But the truth was that she wasn’t an immigrant she was originally born in America but the students just judged her by her language. Another way my grandmother can show connection to this theme is that she still speaks Greek and English. When she is with her family she speaks Greek but as a kindergarten teacher, she speaks English to her students.
Some really nice ideas so far! Keep Striving!
ReplyDeleteNelson Mandela once said “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, it goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” Based on what Mandela said, that must be the whole point of sociolinguistics. Seeing how language and society link together. If a society is culturally diverse of people speaking different languages and everyone is trying to speak the same language (English), in the means of communication, it would be a little hard to understand due to accents. Accents make up the language and the language creates the culture as a whole. For example, people are totally oblivious to the fact that the Islamic culture is different from Indian culture; language and religion being the main difference. They see a person that might look Indian, they approach them to have conservation, and they hear a heavy and funny accent. Due to whatever stereotype they have of that accent/person, they judge the person suddenly thinking that they’re Indian. When that person corrects them saying that they are from an Islamic country, the other person is quick to say “What’s the difference? Aren’t you guys all the same?” That’s where it all goes downhill. There’s ignorance, judgment, discrimination etc. A society cannot be developed because of that. So both people are speaking the same language, and the person that is being judged understands what’s going on but there’s no emotion, nor feeling in the conversation. Maybe if the other person had some knowledge about where the other person was from and who he was, they wouldn’t be in that awkward situation. Their conversation could’ve been filled with hysteria and warmth and thus a relationship would’ve been formed. If everyone else does the same, there can be a happy, peaceful, and stable society. That must be the whole ideology behind sociolinguistics, an understanding of where everyone is from, who they are, how one should communicate with another in order to represent that whole society as one unit.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing we all look for in life is acceptance. America is known to be a culturally diverse nation. Everyone has some sort of interesting background that just makes you want to get to know them. You feel the need to strike up a conversation just so that you can get to know them personally, gain knowledge about their culture, and maybe they might just do the same to you. The enthusiasm, the passion is unbelievable. It’s not easy these days to walk up to a stranger, pretend that you’re friends, and have general conversations about anything. In modern day society, before any of that, you have to get to know someone personally to have some kind of friendship/relationship. What’s disappointing is that today we have an unbelievable amount of stereotypes for every culture that just prevents people from amazing backgrounds to be accepted, it’s absurd. For example, you see a man that has small eyes, and when he speaks, he sounds funny, his voice is sort of squeaky, and doesn’t speak proper English. We all are quick to assume that he is Chinese, when he actually could be Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, or of any other Asian background. We fail to know who that person really is, and it upsets them. They no longer care to be accepted by society, and society itself rejects them thinking that they weren’t wrong, so they blame the other person for what they call “a simple misunderstanding”. “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word” (Wolfram, page 1). The same situation is explained in the “Habla Texas Michelle” video. Michelle’s two words “hasta mañana” is what made her stand out, and it’s how she got fans/viewers to get interested in her work. However, certain people started discriminating against her because of the stereotypes they have for Mexicans. Those certain people told her to “Go back to Mexico!” (Michelle, 2:46-8) Yet, this didn’t stop Michelle from being who she really was. “The focus on themes such as language and nationalism, language and ethnicity, and language and gender has corresponded with the rise of related issues in society at large” (Wolfram, page 2). Michelle talks about how she is Mexican-American, but her first language is English and second Spanish, so she is bilingual. She loves being part of both beautiful cultures, no matter how different they are. “To be misunderstood, to discrimination, you can only be you.” (Michelle, 4:09-12) If there is a situation where someone is showing you nothing but hate for who you are and where you’re from, at the end of day you are who you are and you should be proud of it. You don’t need the approvals of people who lack an understanding of the beauty of your culture. Just ignore them, and be around the right people. Equally important, those that are bi-linguists have a vast amount of artistry, knowledge, and values to share with everyone around them in there society. They use both languages and switch between them as a form of expression, to show that they are proud to be a part of both cultures. Everyone coming together in peace and harmony, cultures blending, it doesn’t get any more beautiful than that. That’s what a society should be like and how it could connect with language.
ReplyDeleteGiven these points, if it wasn’t for sociolinguistics people would’ve been looking at every culture with the wrong mentality. It gives us an understanding of how people within a society hold people of various backgrounds, and how they connect with each other. It shows us that despite your religion, race, ethnicity, gender, language, background etc. we can all still come together as one. Putting all those variables together and looking at a person individually, also defines who you are, and what your identity is. Your name isn’t the only thing that defines you. People can still scrutinize you based on your physical appearance. Be proud of your name, be proud of where you came from, and most importantly be the person who you need to be and were meant to be.
ReplyDeleteIn today’s world, people from all different cultures and backgrounds across the globe are seen using language. Language plays such a significant role in our lives today. Sociolinguistics can be interpreted as the study of how language is used based on the aspects of a society. Aspects of a society may include the way a group of people act based on culture, the way language is used in context, and the effect language has on a group of people. Sociolinguistics can be very helpful when attempting to understand how language works within a society.
ReplyDeleteLanguage can send a social message about “who we are” and “where we come from” based on the way language is used in context, and who the language is addressing. First, “would you mind passing the salt” (Wolfram 1)? This quote may appear as being very simple, but if one really thinks about this quote it actually holds a powerful meaning. To elaborate, a simple sentence as shown here like “would you mind passing the salt” is using language in a specific context. The way language and sentence structure is working together creates a sentence that society perceives as polite and proper etiquette. One does not simply wake up and begin speaking in this context. Instead, one is taught by society that this is the proper sentence structure when attempting to speak in a polite manner. Society than takes this polite manner and utilizes it to identify that a person has come from a respectful background, all because of the sentence structure of “would you mind passing the salt.” Next, “Sociolinguists might investigate questions such as how mixed-gender conversations differ from single-gender conversations” (Wolfram 1). Conversations between gender-to-gender and mixed gender are usually very different. For example, if a man were speaking to another man he just met at a park; the conversation would most likely include speaking about masculine aspects of life such as women in a comfortable manner. Also within this conversation, proper polite etiquette is often not used, and language such as using curse words comes into the conversation. Now lets take a look at the conversation between a guy and a girl who just met at a park. Most likely if the girl is pretty, the guy will begin to talk less, blush, or choke up his words. These signs show society that the guy may be nervous, timid, or does not talk to many women. Also, these conversations are often kept on a general topic level and if the man or women begins to talk about something out of the ordinary, this may lead society to believe that he/she comes from an odd background. Sociolinguists evaluate language as a very significant asset in the world today based on these examples. Language can send a social message about “who we are” and “where we come from” based on the way language is used in context and who the language is addressing.
ReplyDeleteIn America today, immigration has become a part of our culture. First, According to “New Life in U.S. No Longer Means New Name” by Sam Roberts, “A Princeton University sociologist, suggested that newcomers from overseas and their children no longer felt pressure to change there surnames during the 1970s and 1980s as immigration become more a part of American life” (Massey 2). To explain, people in America today embrace their culture and heritage instead of attempting to hide it. Lastly, today’s generations of Americans are often seen with Spanish or Italian backgrounds. These people often are bi-lingual and use English and their other unique cultural language in America. “Goodnight and hasta mañana” stated by Habla Texas’s Michelle, shows the use of bi-lingual language. Furthermore, Michelle is a Spanish American news anchor that decided to “spice up” her report by including her Spanish culture in the end of every news casting. The use of the bi-lingual language shows that Michelle has not forgot about her Spanish heritage, even while being apart of the generation of her family born in America. Michelle is also not attempting to hide her Spanish heritage because she was often saying those two words on television in front of the public. Users of two languages everyday in society “do not forget where they came from” and enjoy embracing their different non-American cultural aspects in America. They enjoy embracing their unique cultural aspects because this is what identifies them and makes them different from another person In society. In America today, immigration has become a part of our culture.
ReplyDeleteAndrea Ceballos
ReplyDeleteSociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. Sociolinguistics can help us understand why we speak differently in various ways people live, and help uncover the social relationships in a community. “In its broadest conception, sociolinguistics analyzes the many and diverse ways in which language and society entwine”(Wolfram 1). It also gives you a true understanding of how powerful your words affect your behavior or vice versa.
Language can send a social message about “who we are” and “where we come from.” In the video, Hablas Texas, Michelle talks about how she would say “Hasta Manana” after every time she closed the newscast. That was until she started getting hate mail because of those two words. She would get hate mail that said, “As long as we’re part of the lower 48 states I expect my news in English.” Her respond was, “ your news is in English sir, my personality happens to be blended with two beautiful cultures”(Hablas Texas). They also told her to go back to Mexico, but she was born in the United States and English was her first language. People’s stereotype on Spanish people is that if they have an accent or are fluent in Spanish they automatically assume that they’re from Mexico. “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word”(Wolfram 1).
The reason why bi-linguists may use two different languages is that since speaking another language it’s an advantage at a job, or moving to a new country, or even school. Knowing a different language in general is a way to express who you are and your ethnicity. There could be different situations where a bi-linguists switch between languages. For example, I was born and raised here but my mom wasn’t. In my house I speak Spanish to her because that’s what she used to, but when I’m in school or out with friends I speak English because otherwise no one would understand what I'm saying.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between society and language. It explores the relationship and effects that language has on social behavior. Sociolinguistics focus on a person’s language, dialect, and their particular word choices (Wolfram 1).
ReplyDeleteLanguage can send a social message about “who we are” and “where we come from” by using words to define a role and relationship that one person has to another person in a social setting. “Addressing a person as ‘Mrs.’, ‘Ms.’, or by a first name is not really about simple vocabulary choice but about the relationship and social position of the speaker and addressee” (Wolfram 2). Language also can exhibit a persons status in society and /or their particular culture. “Similarly, the use of sentence alternatives such as Pass the salt, Would you mind passing the salt, or I think this food could use a little salt is not a matter of simple sentence structure; the choice involves cultural values and norms of politeness, deference, and status” (Wolfram 2).
Sociolinguists might evaluate language by using data from questionnaires, statistical data, and by observation (Wolfram 2). Another method is the use of ethnographic methods. This method helps evaluate a communities values to help explain the members social behavior (Wolfram 2).
I suppose that bi-linguists uses both languages and switch between them because they can identify with both cultures. In the YouTube video, “Habla Texas Michelle,” Michelle tries to share her culture with her viewers through language. Michelle says that “My personality is blended with two beautiful cultures” (“Habla Texas Michelle”). But the viewers didn’t feel the same way, they didn’t want her to use spanish words during her segment because it was an english speaking program. Bi-linguists have to determine when it is appropriate to switch between their languages.
A correlation to our class theme of identity is that society uses language to help define who you are as a person. The particular language that you choose to use helps to identify your social class, religion, gender, and cultural group. Language contributes to defining you and letting society know who you are.
Cristian Ruiz
ReplyDeleteLanguage has become a powerful indication of both our cultural and social identity amongst fellow human beings. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors, including difference of regional, class, and even gender differences. Sociolinguistics explains why many individuals speak differently in various communities within our society. Sociolinguistics try to answer the complex questions related to language as social activity in order to gain a better understanding for the values and viewpoints within a specific community such as how caregivers let their children know how to use words in the proper context or how language changes can spread through a community.
Language can send many different messages about “who we are” and “where we come from” in today’s world because it may represent the type of culture we embrace or even the different people we associate with whether it’s a friendship or your own family. “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or in some instances, even choice of a single word” (Wolfram1). For example, Michele was ridiculed and scrutinized because she tried to represent her Mexican culture by signing off the broadcast with “Hasta Mañana”. To her viewers “Hasta Mañana” was an infiltration on their daily lives. For example, “If we’re still part of 48 lower states I expect my news to be in English” (Habla Texas, Michelle). Hasta mañana was a way of representing her heritage with pride and honor.
Sociolinguists may use and alternate between two different languages in the case that they are bilingual to try and connect or better relate to the different cultures they encounter. Like for example many people who speak Spanish like to mix it with English and call it Spanglish. Like in certain cases when talking to another person who is also familiar with Spanglish they might use a certain Spanish word or English word to put more emphasis on whatever subject they may be talking about thus painting a more vivid picture for the person they’re speaking to. Also these bi-linguists have a good understanding of what goes on with the problems, social, political issues and also the norms of those cultures as well. So essentially they have a more unique and thorough view on things than most people because of their ability to understand both cultures, alternate between both or use both of them at the same time.
Sociolinguistics is the study on how language and society correlates in relation to social factors such as regional differences gender differences age difference and bilingualism. Sociolinguistics shows us that were we are from and what language we speak can affect us as a person and affect the way others see us as well. People face discrimination everyday because of the way they pronounce words or were they were born or the color of their skin. “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or, in some instances, even he choice of a single word. “ (Wolfram, 1) This can be shown in the video (Habla Texas) because Michelle a bilingual news anchor said the phrase “hasta manana” and she received hate mail saying things like “go back to Mexico” just because she said a phrase in Spanish.
ReplyDeleteLanguage can display a social message as well just from the hearing somebody speak in another language you would be able to tell where they came from. Some people think that people who speak Spanish are from Mexico and are less intelligent. This means that language sends a message about who you are and what you are like even if it’s misinterpreted. People get characterized by just the way they say things and how they say them. “Similarly, the use of sentence alternatives such as Pass the salt, would you mind passing the salt, or I think this food could use a little salt is not a matter of simple sentence structure; the choice involves cultural values and norms of politeness, deference, and status” (Wolfram, 2)
Language describes who you are as a person the language that you speak is who you are and where you are from. People that are bilinguals and know multiple different languages like to use both languages instead of choosing one over the other. They keep using both languages because they don’t want to give up that side of them because it’s their identity and it’s who they are as a person. It helps them further express themselves to show people who they really are.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the sociological aspects of language in relation to certain social factors such as; class, gender, occupation, and what region that person is from. By studying the different choice of sounds, vocabulary, and grammatical elements that someone uses in their speech it can give an idea as to what their social relationships are. Language can link people to certain ethnic backgrounds and cultural identities.
ReplyDeleteLanguage can tell people who we are and where we came from. Different social relations result in different use of words, grammar, and tone. “Addressing a person as ‘Mrs.’, ‘Ms.’, or by a first name is not really about simple vocabulary choice but about the relationship and social position of the speaker and addressee”(Wolfram2). The way we structure sentences is also affected by our unique upbringings. “ The use of sentence alternatives such as Pass the salt, Would you mind passing the salt, or I think this food could use a little salt is not a matter of simple sentence structure; the choice involves cultural values and norms of politeness, deference, and status”(Wolfram2).
Many people who grow up in one country learning one language then move to a new country with a new language often become bi-lingual. The reason for this is because people don’t want to lose touch with their roots. Many people are proud of their heritage and try to stay as true as possible to their cultural identity and language gives them that opportunity. To some language is just words put together to make sentences and depending on where you are from decides what specific language you speak. However, to others it is much more then that, it is who they are and how they identify themselves with their ancestors.
When a person is raised in a certain way it becomes who they are and all they know. They associate themselves with others who hold the same cultural values as they do and even if two people don’t necessarily know each other they share a connection through language and pride in staying true to their culture and to themselves. That is why language is so important to people, it gives them an identity and sense of belonging.
There are people from all around the world that come to America for various reasons. It’s what makes this country a “melting pot”. Since it’s a “melting pot” there are many different languages and cultures in this country that it affects your place in society. The study of the relationship between language and society is called Sociolinguistics.
ReplyDeleteToday in America people often get judged because of an accent or a language they speak. “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or, in some instances, even he choice of a single word. “ (Wolfram,1) . Michelle’s story proves this statement true. She tells us about how she received hate mail because she ended her show with “hasta manana”. Such a simple and innocent gesture made American’s watching her show believe she was not American and that she did not belong here. Turns out it was the opposite and she was born in Texas and those were the only two words he grandmother spoke to her in Spanish. These two words meant a lot more to her than good-bye. Language can show “who we are” and “where we came from”. In the video Michelle says “I say howdy when I see you and hasta manana when we depart” -(Habla Texas Michelle). Being bilingual influences her life. She fuses two of her languages and cultures together because she is proud of whom she is.
“Language is more than just words. It’s a powerful social behavior that speaks volumes” (Wolfram 1). Bi-linguist often use both languages because they are proud of who they are. Being bilingual I know first hand that I sometimes use both languages because I’m proud of who I am and where I’m from. In my household we only speak polish. Being able to speak polish means a lot more to me than people think. It allows me to communicate with my grandparents, parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Since my family doesn’t speak English its important to know a second language. I can relate to Michelle because she feels the same way as me. She doesn’t want to forget her heritage and neither do I.
Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, social class, and occupational dialect, differences between gender, and bilingualism. People from different communities or cultures are of interest to sociolinguistics because they are often misunderstood when speaking to each other based on the different ways they use language.
ReplyDelete“It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person’s language, dialect, or , in some instances, even the choice of a single word” (Wolfram 1). Language sends a social message about “who we are” and “where we come from”. The message may not always be the way we intend it to be. Stereotypes are a big part of what we think. What part of the United States you are from and how you talk depends on what people think of you and how they see you as a person. Typically if you are from the south the thought is that you are slow and lazy and if you are from the north you are fast and ambitious. The conclusions that we come to may not always be correct. In the video Michelle was judged to be from Mexico just because of the two words that she said at the end of her news show.
Sociolinguistics uses a variety of methods in their research to evaluate language, they “often use sociological techniques involving data from questionnaires and summary statistical data, along with information from direct observation” (Wolfram 1). Direct observation is one the best ways to see how people react to one another and will probably give you the most accurate results.
Michelle speaks about how “the only two words her grandmother spoke to her in Spanish were Hasta Mañana”(Habla Texas Michelle 3:57). “Back then you didn’t speak Spanish to the kids, it was frowned upon to have an accent” (Habla Texas Michelle 4:02). My grandmother came to the United States from Germany when she was 14 and was afraid to speak German. She thought people would hate her and treat her poorly because of Hitler. When my grandmother married my grandfather he told her not to speak German to her mother because he could not understand them. Times have changed since my grandmother first came here and now bi-linguists switch between languages because they are proud of their culture and it is socially acceptable to do so. Today people embrace their heritage and show it with pride. Society is becoming more accepting of different cultures but we have a long way to go.
Sociolinguistics plays a major role in our everyday lives and the ways that we communicate with one another. The way in which we express ourselves is our own personal preference of the language which we speak. Throughout the world, there are all different languages and ways of communicating. Besides speaking a different language, there are different social patterns and social rules that people follow when communicating with one another.
ReplyDeleteComing from North East America, the way that we speak differs from others who live in different parts of our country. These differences in our language and communication styles defines us. They make us unique and add character to each and every person. Although, many people do not realize that they speak differently than others because they are constantly around people who speak similarly to them. It is not until we meet people from different parts of the country, or the world, that we realize we have an accent. Sometimes we believe that the way in which we speak is the only correct way. As mentioned in the article, we sometimes “judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person's language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word” (Wolfram 1). For example, the woman Michelle in the video talks about how she was judged and criticized for the way that she pronounced certain hispanic words when newscasting. While in El Paso, Texas, a predominantly Hispanic area, she would receive nasty phone calls because the viewers were not happy with the way she pronounced a Spanish word. When she moved to Austin, Texas to continue her career, she was criticized because she added a catch phrase in Spanish at the end of her broadcasts. People in Austin disliked it and her use of Spanish in her broadcast and as a result, she was sent hate mail. This just proves that even in the same state, the use of language is completely different in different areas. But in reality, these differences in every person’s language is what defines us as human beings. Sociolinguists can evaluate theses differences in language by looking at the different trends of language over several decades. They focus on different themes that are prevalent in peoples’ lives at the times in which they study this. Sociolinguists also look at the role society plays in the use of language and how people apply this language to different parts of their lives, such as social and personal instances. By addressing all of these different aspects, sociolinguists are able to evaluate the language that we speak and why we communicate the way that we do.
In my opinion, I think that bi-linguist use both languages in order to maintain their heritage and have a sense of pride within themselves. It makes communication a bit easier when there are people of different nationalities around and make the other people feel more comfortable in whichever language they are speaking. Being able to communicate with more than one group of people can also make life a lot easier. Also, being bilingual puts people at an advantage when it comes to interviews and career choices. Being able to speak different languages can be seen as impressive and unique future career endeavors.
All over the world America is known as the “melting pot”. This means that different cultures from all over the world can be found in America. The basic definition of sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of any and all aspects of society. This includes culture, language, and heritage. The way we speak really defines who we are, who are ancestors were, and who our children are going to be. Different types of people speak in different types of ways for different reasons. For example, in the video “Habla Texas?” Michelle talks about how at the end of her news cast every night she would say “Hasta Manana”. Which in Spanish it means “See you tomorrow”. She then would continue to receive hate mail stating that people wouldn’t watch her news cast anymore until she spoke in English. However, I believe that when people add words or phrases from their own culture into their vocabulary it is quite beautiful and elegant. When people use phrases from different languages it allows you to learn and for your mind to expand and become more and more cultural. This really is one of the most beautiful things a human can go through.
ReplyDeleteLanguage is one of the main ways that we as human beings identify ourselves or others. For example, in the article, “What is Sociolinguistics?” by Walt Wolfram he writes “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person's language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word.” (Wolfram 1) This statement holds true in everyday life. For example, whenever you meet a person who has a Spanish accent you automatically assume that they are Mexican or are from Mexico. This may seem like a form of stereotyping but in reality it is more harmless than stereotyping.
Sociolinguistics is the study of any and all aspects of society. This includes how we as humans react and see each other. Most of the time we as observing human beings can somewhat determine what a person can be like just by the way they speak or act due to their language or culture.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between society and language. It is the study of how you speak and how the language you speak describes who you are and where you come from. “Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction” (Wolfram 1).
ReplyDeleteLanguage plays a significant role in our daily lives. Today, knowing multiple languages can benefit oneself in a mixed society. It can help one get further in life to where they want to go. It is one of the greatest necessities in life. It is used to communicate and to interact with one another. Through language we can express ourselves and express our feelings. Language is something everyone uses on a day-to-day basis. It helps build social interaction. It is a beautiful way in which we can learn about different people and their cultures. Language expresses who we are and our culture. The beauty of language is that we are able to articulate different life experiences and expectations.
Language can send a social message about “who we are” and “where we come from”. In the video, Hablas Texas, Michelle would always end the newscast by saying “Hasta Manana”. By doing so, Michelle was criticized and received hate just by saying two words in a different language. Some people would say, “As long as we're part of the lower 48 states I expect my news to be in English”. Michelle responded with, “Your news is in English sir, my personality happens to be blended with two beautiful cultures” (Hablas Texas). They sent her hate and told her to go back to Mexico when in reality, Michelle was born in the United States. People just assume that if you speak Spanish you are from Mexico. This just shows how people are so quickly to judge and criticize. “It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person's background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person's language, dialect, or in some instances, even the choice of a single word” (Wolfram 1).
I believe that bi-linguists may use two different languages because it helps them identify not only with their culture but with other cultures as well. The use of two different languages can come as an advantage for many different reasons such as when applying for a job or moving to a different country. In the video, Hablas Texas, Michelle would say “Goodnight and hasta manana”. This just shows how even though she is American she has not forgotten about her Spanish culture.
People who speak different languages show how they don't forget where they come from and they embrace and show pride in their culture. I believe that everyone should embrace their heritage because everyone has a beautiful and unique cultural aspect. Everyone is different and there is nothing wrong with that. We should all be proud of who we are and where we come from. At the end of the day, you should love yourself for who you are.
Sociolinguistics is the study of how language is used in a social way. Sociolinguists study numerous variations of dialect including differences in regions, classes, ethnicities, genders, and jobs. Sociolinguistics studies how we as people speak and how many different people use the same words.
ReplyDeleteLanguage can send a social message about who we are and where we came from in many ways. It sends a social message by language causing people to make more assumptions about others. One example in the video, Habla Texas Michelle, Michelle explained how she said “Hasta Mañana” at the end of her news broadcasts and people assumed that she was Mexican. Although she is from Texas, they assumed that she is not from America based on how she spoke on the news. Another example is in the article “Do You Speak American, What Speech Do We Like Best?” it says, “Language is more than just words. It’s a powerful social behavior that speaks volumes” (Wolfram 1). This means that how you behave socially should determine who you are, not only how you speak. People make assumptions and judgments based on how they speak. Sociolinguistics plays a big role in impression giving.
Bi-linguists at times use both languages and switch between them. I think they do this to express things that they couldn’t in one language compared to another language. I also think this is to show that they are bilingual and would like others to know. For example in the article Wolfram said “we may judge a person’s background, character, and intentions based simply upon the person's language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word.” Bi-linguists may choose words in another language to express what they are saying in another way.
Sociolinguistics plays a huge role in self-discovery. How you speak can say a lot about you as person. But it can also mislead people into false judgment towards you. Language can help you identify yourself as well as help others identify who you are. Language will always play a big part in social interactions.
Sociolinguistics is the study of language and its relation to social factors, class, dialect, gender, and bilingualism. This allows people to understand the different viewpoints on the uniqueness of an individual's backgrounds based on words and actions.
ReplyDeleteLanguage not only characterizes how we view people as a group, but how we view each individual person. Language and accents play a huge role in indentifying a person and can sometimes automatically tell us a person's culture solemnly on ones speech. "It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person's background, character, and intensions based simply upon the persons language, dialect, or, in some instances, even the choice of a single word." (wolfam 1). In the case of Michelle, they preferred her to say the American terms for certain words and not let her Mexican-American personality captivate the rich blending of cultures we have here in the US. Language is our only way to express who we truly are as a person, the articulations of words and the way we present words on paper help people better understand our emotions. But in some cases we are forced to suppress those personalities and traits that derive from our one unique cultures. "the choice involves cultural values and norms of politeness, deference and status" (wolfam 1). The way we choose to structure the even simplest sentences is a reflection of who we are as individuals and what role we play in our society.
I believe bilingualism is an important study when it comes to sociolinguistics. As a bilingual speaker myself I take great pride in being able to share compassion with the use of words with two beautiful cultures. Bilingualism not only allows you to interact verbally but to be a part of a culture more intimately. Often giving people more advantages in society today considering we are a melting pot of assorted cultures. "Goodnight and hasta manana "(Habla Texas) demonstrated Michelle's love for her Mexican-American culture that she has never lost considering she states she is fifth generation American In essence, language not only provides us with understanding social and human interactions, but helps us identify who we are as individuals in today's society. Sociolinguistics offers more than just incite on language and all aspects corresponding to, but flourishes the uniqueness that comes from the words we choose to represent, and express our own personalities.
Linguistics is the study of language and its relation to society. The language we speak and how we speak it can describe part of who we are and where we are from. Language is a great part of the social aspects of society and can tell us a lot about different cultures and people.
ReplyDeleteCountless numbers of languages are spoken throughout the world everyday by billions of people. The language we speak has a great impact on our social interactions. Our language often determines how we act and what we believe is socially acceptable. "The study of language in its social context tells us quite a bit about how we organize our social relationships within a particular community. Addressing a person as ‘Mrs.’, ‘Ms.’, or by a first name is not really about simple vocabulary choice but about the relationship and social position of the speaker and addressee" ( Wolfram 1). Wolfram describes how the use of Mr. and Ms. is used as a way of showing respect and distinguishing the relationship between two people. This shows how language is used in social situations to create understanding. It is important to understand the rules and social aspects of a language when speaking it in order to successfully communicate without offending other people. Wolfram explains this to be important when explaining how to open and close a conversation. "We may, for example, describe the rules for opening and closing a conversation, how to take conversational turns, or how to tell a story or joke." (Worlfram 1)
Bi-lingual people often use language to connect with both of the cultures they have been influenced by. Many of these people do this by speaking both languages throughout the day often switching from one to the other frequently. These people do this do show their culture and that they are proud of who they are. The language or languages we speak is a great part of our identity and gives us a chance to show who we are and to show where we are from. For example Michelle uses the term "hasta manana" on the news as her way to connect with her mexican culture. She is fluent in Spanish and is proud of the fact that she speaks both spanish and english so she uses the phrase "hasta manana" as her way to express her mexican culure.
Linguistics describes the social aspects of language and how people use language to express themselves to others. Whether you are bi-lingual or only speak one language we all use language as a way to show people who we are and where we are from.